Australian Society Of Endodontology (WA Branch)

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    • 21 Mar 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • ADA House
    • 24

    2025 Hands-On Rotary Course

    ASE WA is excited to offer a comprehensive full-day hands-on course, featuring lectures on the history of rotary and reciprocating techniques, canal preparation, and root canal fillings, along with an extensive hands-on component. Experienced Endodontists from the Australian Endodontic Society (WA Branch) will deliver insightful lectures throughout the day, sharing valuable tips and tricks. The hands-on portion will allow participants to explore various file and root canal filling systems, with system representatives on hand to demonstrate motors and provide additional information. Training kits featuring plastic teeth will be available for practice.

    Our speakers are:

    This is a limited attendance course.

    Participants are encouraged to bring 6 natural teeth autoclaved and ready for canal preparation stage. This event is proudly sponsored by



    Approximate outline of the course

     Time 08:00 - 08:30 am Registration
      08:30 - 10:00 am History of various systems and Preparation techniques
      10:00 - 10:30 am Morning Tea (Included)
      10:30 - 12:00 pm Hands-on root canal preparation with 6 different file systems.
      12:00 - 01:00 pm Lunch (Included)
      01:00 - 02:30 pm Root canal fillings and Clinical tips
      02:30 - 03:00 pm Afternoon Tea (Included)
      03:00 - 04:30 pm Hands-on root canal preparation and/or obturation
      04:30 - 05:00 pm Q & A and Consolidation 
     Venue ADA House
     CPD This lecture entitles you to 7 CPD points

    • 26 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • University Club of WA
    • 32

    The Fit of Matched GP Points After Preparation with Corresponding Rotary Files


    Dr Samuel Deng  

    BSc (Melb), DMD (UWA), DClinDent(Endo)(UWA)

    Filling the root canal space after preparation of the canal is an important component of endodontic treatment. This step involves placing Gutta Percha (GP) points with endodontic cement to fill the root canal. However, voids may occur because of dimensional change of the cement. Therefore, a '3-D' obturation with Gutta Percha is emphasised to minimise the volume of the cement within the root canal space.

    Ni-Ti mechanical instruments have been widely used to shape the root canals and this has led to the use of matched GP points to fill the prepared root canal space, often without the need for additional accessory points or compaction. Manufacturers claim matched GP cone will accurately fill the prepared space, ensuring the maximum amount of GP and minimal cement volume.

    Thus, the aim of this lecture is to present the findings from a DClinDent research, which evaluated the fit of matched GP points to the corresponding NiTi mechanical file produced by different dental manufacturers, when used in single canal human tooth roots.

    About the Speaker

    Dr. Samuel Deng was always passionate about dentistry from a young age. After completing his bachelor’s degree at the University of Melbourne, he relocated to Perth to study at the University of Western Australia where he graduated as a dentist in 2019. During his clinical years, Sam developed a strong interest in the field of Endodontics. This led his post-graduate study in the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program at the University of Western Australia, graduating as an endodontist in 2024. Outside of dentistry, Sam enjoys playing sports, especially badminton, and spending time with his family and puppy Chino. He also enjoys travelling and eating out and is particularly excited about trying the latest restaurants in Perth.

     Venue:  University Club of WA Hackett Drive #1 Entrance Crawley WA 6009

     6:00  pm  Pre-Dinner drinks
     6:45  pm  Seating and Meal selection  
    7:00  pm  Main course
     7:20  pm  AGM   
     8:00  pm  Lecture

    This lecture entitles you to 1 CPD Hour

    Cancellation: There may be no refund of fee for cancellation within 7 days of event.

    For any assistance please don't hesitate to contact  Dr Michael Nguyen on 0402128930.

    • 7 May 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Perth




    Date: Wednesday 7th May 2025

    Venue: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia Level 2, Room 8

    For more details and registration, please click on the link below 

    ASE PRECONGRESS MEETING PERTH 2025 | Australian Society of Endodontology

    Our presenters 

    Lecture Title: Orthodontics in patients with a history of trauma

    Prof Mithran Goonewardene
    BDSc (Hons) (UWA) MMedSc (Harvard) CertOrtho. (Harvard/Forsyth) FICD, FADI

    Summary: A significant number of patients with a history of dental trauma seek orthodontic treatment. Dr Goonewardene will present current research findings exploring the impact of orthodontics on the pulp status and root integrity. Moreover, numerous biomechanical strategies may be modified to reduce the likelihood of unfavourable outcomes during and subsequent to orthodontic therapy.

    Mithran Goonewardene completed Dental School at The University of Western Australia in 1981 and attended the Forsyth Dental Center/Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, USA from 1984-1987 where he completed his Certificate in Orthodontics and Master of Medical Science degree. He took up a teaching position in orthodontics at The University of Western Australia in 1987 and has been Head of Orthodontics and Graduate Program Director at The University of Western Australia since 1989. Dr Goonewardene is a full member of The Edward Angle Society of Orthodontists and is Certified by the Australian Orthodontic Board. He visits Sri Lanka regularly as a visiting Consultant in Orthodontics in the Dental Institute, Colombo and participates in part-time private practice in Perth.

    Lecture Title: What I wish I had known decades ago when starting with implants

    Prof Richard Chan
    BDS( Syd) MDS (Syd),FRACDS, OAM

    Summary: It is generally accepted that dental implants is a well-documented and predictable treatment modality for replacement of missing teeth. However, despite the best care and management, a certain percentage of patients will experience complications. We can all be experts with the benefits of hindsight….. especially when problem arises. This presentation will focus on two areas

    • “Implants don’t move?! Continued facial growth in implantology”
    • Complications can be traumatic and expensive for both the patient and the clinician! Tooth injury by dental implants.

    Learning outcome:

    • The participants should be aware of the implications of multidirectional craniofacial growth that continues throughout life in relation to our implant treatment planning
    • Neurosensory and blood supply disturbance to teeth adjacent to dental implants
    • How to manage injury to an adjacent tooth when (not ‘if’) it happens?
    • Prevention of potential serious consequences of injuring an adjacent tooth

    Professor Richard Chan is a specialist in Oral Rehabilitation at the University of Sydney, with BDS and MDS qualifications from the same institution. He is a Fellow of multiple prestigious organizations, including the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. He is the former Program Director for the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Oral Implants) and Past President of the Australasian Osseointegration Society. Prof. Chan maintains a full-time referral practice focused on implant surgery and prosthodontics. In 2019, he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for his contributions to dentistry.

    Lecture Title: Strategies for predictable Local Anaesthesia in Endodontics

    Dr Tim Silbert
    BDSc (W.Aust), MDSc (Qld.) MRACDS (Endo) FPFA

    Summary: The role of predictable local anaesthetics in dentistry cannot be understated. The lecture aims to briefly review the basics of local anaesthesia in dental care with a brief overview of the pharmacology before moving into problem solving challenges that arise by considering the anatomy in the area, fine tuning the techniques traditionally taught before problem solving failed local aesthesia in the dental setting providing simple and practical strategies to overcome challenges.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand the role practical of pharmacology in dental local anaesthesia
    2. Appreciate the role of the environment and physical anatomy in planning the anaesthetic technique
    3. Manage failed local anaesthesia through technique modification and simple alternate techniques

    Dr Tim Silbert obtained his dental degree from the University of Western Australia and completed his post graduate training at the University of Queensland in Australia.
    He is a member of the Pierre Fauchard Society, a founding member of the International Academy of Endodontics and has undertaken several visiting teaching roles at the University of Western Australia Dental School.
    He has been in full-time private practice in endodontics for the past twenty-five years.

    Lecture Title: Challenges for the GP Dentist in Performing Vital Pulp Therapy – A Practical Perspective from Regional Practice

    Dr Paul Renner
    BDSc(UQ), FICD

    Summary: Drawing from nearly a decade of experience incorporating vital pulp therapy (VPT) into private practice in regional Queensland, Dr Renner shares practical insights into the challenges and solutions for general dentists implementing VPT in everyday practice.
    The lecture addresses the complexities of pulpal diagnosis in real-world settings. He explores the often ambiguous nature of pulpitis classifications and their clinical relevance.
    Effective patient communication is crucial when incorporating VPT into practice. The lecture covers strategies for explaining the procedure’s staged approach, where the final treatment path may evolve during the appointment.

    Practical solutions for common time management challenges are presented. This includes effective protocols for immediate pain management and the strategic use of interim restorations. The lecture explores suitable patient demographics for VPT, with particular focus on cost-benefit analysis. A practical overview of available materials used for VPT is provided, and a patient-centered approach to measuring success is discussed, moving beyond traditional clinical metrics. The lecture concludes with practical strategies for incorporating VPT into general practice, addressing common concerns and providing solutions based on real-world experience in a regional setting.

    Dr. Paul Renner is a graduate of the University of Queensland with extensive experience in rural dental practice. He worked in government dental services before establishing his private practice in Dalby in 1991. He has been actively involved in professional leadership, serving on the ADAQ Council, including two terms as president, and was awarded ADAQ life membership in 2021. With over 15 years as a clinical demonstrator at UQ, he has contributed to dental education through teaching, resource development on dental dam use, and lecturing internationally on implant training

    Lecture Title: Root Resections: A Lost Art in the Age of Dental Implants

    Dr Melanie McAlpine, Periodontist

    Summary: Dental implants are often seen as the ultimate solution for failing teeth. But what happens when implant complications arise, and fixed tooth replacement is no longer an option?

    Delaying implant placement can significantly reduce the number, severity, and complexity of implant-related complications a patient may face over their lifetime. Reviving the lost art of root resection provides an affordable and biologically sound alternative for preserving natural dentition – sometimes eliminating the need for an implant altogether. The science is clear; the art lies in knowing when, where, and how to apply it.

    Dr Melanie McAlpine completed her undergraduate degree with Honours at The University of Western Australia in 1993. This was followed by a Masters in Periodontology at the same university, completed in 1999. Immediately following graduation Melanie moved to London, England where she enjoyed a combination of private specialist practice in Guildford, Surrey and a teaching position at St Bart’s and The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. Melanie returned to full-time specialist periodontal practice in Perth in 2002 and is the principal practitioner at Western Periodontics in Northbridge. She is also a Consultant Paediatric Periodontist at Perth Children’s Hospital where she has been involved in the cleft lip and palate program since her post-graduate years. Western Periodontics has a keen interest in the management of periodontal and peri-implant disease, as well as a strong implant referral base focusing on predictable and aesthetic osseointegrated implant treatment.

    Professionally Melanie has been an active member of local and federal societies including the Australian Society of Periodontology, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists, the Australian Osseointegration Society, she is a founding executive committee member of both Women in Dentistry and the Dental Specialists Society of Western Australia. Melanie has been named as a Fellow of the International College of Dentists and the Academy of Dentistry International. Melanie is also a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI); she is the current regional co-ordinator for the ITI in Western Australia and an ITI Study Club director.

    • 18 Jun 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • ADA House

    Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members

    Wednesday 18th June 2025 Dinner Meeting

    ***Free for ASEWA Members***

    Join us for a night of fun, collegial camaraderie and a chance to gain some insight into cases that could be unusual, rare or challenging.

    There is also a short, fun quiz with a winning prize worth $200.

    It's a fun quiz, NOT an exam, so relax, gather your colleagues, sharpen your pencils and get ready to put your knowledge to the test!

    Guest speakers for the night will be confirmed at later date: 

    This event is kindly sponsored by XXX and includes a buffet dinner and drinks.

    We look forward to seeing you all there.

    Contact: Dr Christiana Lee and Dr Michael Nguyen

     6:00 pm Pre Dinner Drinks
     6:30 pm Dinner Service and Quiz
     7:45 pm Case Presentations
     Venue ADA House
     Cancellation Cancellation and refund of paid fees is always at the discretion of the ASEWA treasurer, depending on catering contract. 
     RSVP Registration closes one week before event start date.





    • 8 Aug 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • ADA House
    • 40

    Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth

    Presented by

    Dr Poh Hun Loh
    B.D.Sc (W.A.) D.C.D. (Pros.) (Melb.)

    Poh Hun divides his time between private Prosthodontic practice and teaching Prosthodontics at UWA. His present role at the Dental School is co-ordinating the Doctor of Dental Medicine programme overseeing the training of dental students. Poh Hun is also a member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Prosthodontists (AANZP) serving on its council and committees. He is an active member of a number of other international and national dental professional societies.

    Poh Hun enjoys spending time with his wife Sandra and his children, Elliot, Aubrey and Julian. Poh Hun loves to cook and eat, firing up his commercial wok burner to dish up culinary treats. To offset his excessive food consumption, Poh Hun runs marathons on weekends.

    • 14 Nov 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • The Raffles Hotel - Applecross

    End of year Celebration

    As we approach the end of the year, we’re

    The evening will begin with an hour  presentation from our guest speaker, typically an interstate Endodontist who also serves as the final-year examiner for our Endo postgraduate program.

    (Name and topic to be confirmed.)

    This will be a sit-down dinner, followed by end-of-year drinks.

    Come join us for an evening of camaraderie with colleagues as we celebrate the end of the year.

    Location: To be announced.

    excited to combine reflection and celebration with an insightful lecture from a distinguished guest.

    We warmly invite you to our End-of-Year Wrap-Up  featuring a special lecture by Professor Geoffrey Heithersay, a leading expert in the field of Endodontology. Join us for an evening of reflection on the past year and an inspiring lecture that promises to offer valuable insights and provoke thoughtful discussion.

    Clinical Professor Geoffrey S Heithersay  AO.

           BDS, MDS, DDSc(Adel), FDSRCSEd, FRACDS.

    Following graduation from The University of Adelaide in 1956, Geoffrey Heithersay’s passion for endodontics and especially dental traumatology was a major motivation during his subsequent 4 years postgraduate studies in the UK and Sweden. On return to Adelaide he established a private practice and become part time member of the Adelaide Dental School 1962 where he was appointed to lead and develop the theoretical and clinical teaching of Endodontics.  Sixty-two years later he is still involved in the undergraduate and post graduate programmes.   Primarily a clinician he practised as a specialist endodontist until 2002. He continues to be active in research, particularly into dental traumatology and tooth resorption and has 74 publications and 7 book chapters. Awards include an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for endodontic education in 1998, the Louis Grossman award of the American Association of Endodontists in 2000 for research and in 2021 the Jens Andreasen lifetime achievement award in dental Traumatology.  In 2009 he received three awards for excellence in teaching, the Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Dean’s award, The Stephen Cole the Elder award and The University of Adelaide’s Vice Chancellor’s award.

    Venue:               The Raffle Hotel  - Applecross 
    Time:                  6:00  pm Pre-Dinner drinks
                                   6:30  pm Seated and  Entree 
                                   7:00  pm Main course
                                   7:30 pm  Lecture
                                   8:30 pm 
    Post-dinner drinks


    This lecture entitles you to 1 CPD Hour
    Cancellation: There is no refund of fee for cancellations within 7 days of event.

    For any assistance please don't hesitate to contact  Dr Michael Nguyen on 0402128930.

Past events

16 Oct 2024 An Evening with Professor Geoff Heithersay and 2024 Wrap-Up
16 Aug 2024 Endodontic Complications and Consent
22 May 2024 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
20 Mar 2024 ASEWA 2024 AGM. Dinner and lecture
23 Feb 2024 Hands on Rotary Endodontics
19 Nov 2023 The Latest Developments In Laser Dentistry
23 Aug 2023 Do We Really Need To Activate Our Irrigant ?
30 May 2023 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
15 Mar 2023 ASEWA 2023 AGM. A Comparison of Corticosteroid Medicaments
24 Feb 2023 Hands On Rotary Endodontic Course
11 Nov 2022 End of year Function and "First Past the Post" Lecture
23 Sep 2022 Cracking the Code of Cracked Teeth: An Endodontic and Restorative Perspective
29 Jun 2022 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
2 Jun 2022 7th TTEC 2022 Sydney
1 Apr 2022 Hands On Rotary Endodontic Course
16 Mar 2022 ASEWA 2022 AGM, Dinner & Lecture: Ortho-Endo Clinical Dilemmas
26 Nov 2021 End-of-Year Function: Interrogating Cone beam CT data for the evaluation of root canal systems.
11 Sep 2021 ASE PreCongress Lunch Meeting & AGM
27 Aug 2021 Hands On Rotary Endodontics
27 May 2021 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
17 Mar 2021 2021 AGM & Lecture: Intracanal Medicaments & Discolouration Potential
27 Nov 2020 Endodontics Temporisation. A Research-Based Updates
15 Oct 2020 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
23 Sep 2020 IFEA WEC 2020 Chennai India
21 Aug 2020 Endodontic Access, Instrumentation and Obturation: A Hands-On Course
2 Jun 2020 Webinar - Misdiagnosis and Pain Management in Endodontics
11 Mar 2020 2020 AGM, Dinner & Lecture
15 Nov 2019 End of Year Drinks & Canapes
15 Nov 2019 Three Everyday Conundrums - Difficult Diagnosis, Difficult Patients, Difficulties with cracks.
11 Sep 2019 Strategies for More Effective Pain Control during Root Canal Treatment
24 Jul 2019 Case Presentation & Clinical Tips by Members
17 May 2019 Intra-Canal Instrumentation, Disinfection & Contemporary Surgical Endodontics
12 Mar 2019 2019 AGM, Dinner & Lecture: Periodontics and Endodontics
16 Nov 2018 Irrigants, Medicaments, Sealers, MTA and Bioceramics
20 Sep 2018 Trans-Tasman Endodontic Conference Perth 2018
25 May 2018 Contemporary Non-Surgical Endodontic Treatment: What Works & What Doesn't
13 Mar 2018 2018 AGM, Dinner & Lecture: Endodontics and Neuropathic Pain
17 Nov 2017 Which Ca(OH)2 should I use?
11 Jul 2017 Case Presentation by Members
17 May 2017 Federal ASE 50th Anniversary PreCongress Meeting
14 Mar 2017 AGM, Dinner & Lecture


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