Australian Society Of Endodontology (WA Branch)

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ASEWA 2025 AGM Dinner and lecture

  • 26 Mar 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • University Club of WA
  • 30


  • For Bona-Fide DMD and DClinD students at UWA.


The Fit of Matched GP Points After Preparation with Corresponding Rotary Files


Dr Samuel Deng  

BSc (Melb), DMD (UWA), DClinDent(Endo)(UWA)

Filling the root canal space after preparation of the canal is an important component of endodontic treatment. This step involves placing Gutta Percha (GP) points with endodontic cement to fill the root canal. However, voids may occur because of dimensional change of the cement. Therefore, a '3-D' obturation with Gutta Percha is emphasised to minimise the volume of the cement within the root canal space.

Ni-Ti mechanical instruments have been widely used to shape the root canals and this has led to the use of matched GP points to fill the prepared root canal space, often without the need for additional accessory points or compaction. Manufacturers claim matched GP cone will accurately fill the prepared space, ensuring the maximum amount of GP and minimal cement volume.

Thus, the aim of this lecture is to present the findings from a DClinDent research, which evaluated the fit of matched GP points to the corresponding NiTi mechanical file produced by different dental manufacturers, when used in single canal human tooth roots.

About the Speaker

Dr. Samuel Deng was always passionate about dentistry from a young age. After completing his bachelor’s degree at the University of Melbourne, he relocated to Perth to study at the University of Western Australia where he graduated as a dentist in 2019. During his clinical years, Sam developed a strong interest in the field of Endodontics. This led his post-graduate study in the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program at the University of Western Australia, graduating as an endodontist in 2024. Outside of dentistry, Sam enjoys playing sports, especially badminton, and spending time with his family and puppy Chino. He also enjoys travelling and eating out and is particularly excited about trying the latest restaurants in Perth.

 Venue:  University Club of WA Hackett Drive #1 Entrance Crawley WA 6009

 6:00  pm  Pre-Dinner drinks
 6:45  pm  Seating and Meal selection  
7:00  pm  Main course
 7:20  pm  AGM   
 8:00  pm  Lecture

This lecture entitles you to 1 CPD Hour

Cancellation: There may be no refund of fee for cancellation within 7 days of event.

For any assistance please don't hesitate to contact  Dr Michael Nguyen on 0402128930.


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